Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Future day 3

Hello Future

It's my dad's birthday tom future. Do you still have your dad? Is he still alive? What Job does he have? I wonder...

I look forward in meeting your whole family future. I also wish you could meet mine.
Mys sisters would love you.Though, they may be reluctant at first but well, they are good people and they would accept us eventually beloved.

I deleted the DA link here future. Because letters to you daily should be a personal thing right? I know you'd also like a private life like me and not show EVERYTHING to the world. We'd be both an enigma to people.

I really don't feel good today future,I don't have the appetite to eat. I've been having stomach cramps all day. I've been sick tor more than 2 years to tell you the truth. they ran tests on me over and over however, they haven't found what was wrong. Don't worry beloved, I'd find a way to know what's wrong with me, I still have to take care of you right? I can't do that if I've passed on earlier than the time we meet. Right? My cousin died when he was 33. I got 3 years left. LOLs. Kidding aside, I'd get a colonoscopy by October... I really hope it's not the big C.

I wonder, how are you doing right now? Are you in good shape? Is someone taking care of you? Are you taking care of yourself? I wish I could.

Tata for now ... I got to work. :)

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