Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Future day 5

Dear Future,

I've got a busy day today. But you know I'd always make time for you. Slept sitting again. LOL. I am crazy!. I wonder what sleeping position you'd like. Do you like to sleep on your side?  on your back? Fetal? Well, one thing's for sure. As long as I'd sleep beside you even if you tumble in our bed,  I'd sleep soundly for sure.

I'd be going to Singapore soon. Why? well to see the sights, hear the sounds, see the lifestyle. Who knows, I might be able to see a glimpse of you there right beloved? Another thing is to bring Dyco my best friend home. I can't imagine her being alone in a plane all worried about the future while no one was beside her. I wonder, have you ever been jobless future? Have you ever been rejected? I'm sorry beloved if I wasn't there to support you if you were. Just know that whatever happens, I'd never reject you. You're always welcome here, I just wish we knew how you'd come home to me.

HAHA! It's too early to get emotional, right future? I know I know, It's too early and I haven't had coffee yet. Have you tasted coffee future? It's wonderful! The aroma, the flavor, the kick. Coffee makes you feel... alive. (ok, I sound like an addict here but trust me, it tastes so good) I wonder, what kind of drink you like in the morning? Coffee? Tea? Milk? I just know one thing, I'd try my best to prepare it ready and waiting for you each day.

It's time for my morning katas. Well exercise/practice. It's been a while since I did those again. I recently started again beloved. I used to box daily when I was in highschool. Do you have a sport that you love? A marathon runner, a swimmer? A gymnast or a soccer player? Hmm.. Well, whatever you fancy, I know I'd love to try it out. :)

tata for now

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